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Ripple Lawsuit News: XRP Community Seeks Massive $500 Billion Restitution After SEC Fallout

Ripple Lawsuit News XRP Community Seeks Massive 500 Billion Restitution After SEC Fallout.webp.webp

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Jimmy Vallee, founder of Valhil Capital, is pushing for a massive $500 billion restitution for XRP holders. This push comes in response to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) 2020 lawsuit against Ripple, which alleged that XRP sales were unregistered securities offerings.

The lawsuit triggered a major selloff, causing XRP’s price to drop by nearly 75%, and many exchanges removed the token from their platforms, further damaging its market position. Vallee, along with his firm, believes that without the SEC’s interference, XRP could have followed a price path similar to that of Bitcoin or Ethereum. He argues that XRP’s price could have easily exceeded its previous all-time high of $3.84, potentially reaching $10 today.

Jimmy Vallee’s $500 Billion Restitution Push

To help address these alleged injustices, Vallee has launched the Crypto Justice Coalition, which aims to secure financial compensation for affected XRP holders. Vallee claims that over 76,000 XRP holders, represented by attorney John Deaton during the Ripple case, should be eligible for a portion of the proposed $500 billion restitution.

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Following the SEC’s decision to drop its lawsuit against Ripple, the call for compensation has gained fresh momentum. Vallee has stated that he does not intend to pursue compensation through the federal court system, citing concerns about the potential bias within the courts. Instead, he is looking into alternative legal routes and possible negotiations with regulators to resolve the issue.

The Future of XRP and Market Recovery Prospects

Vallee’s proposal for a $500 billion restitution stems from the significant market opportunities lost due to the SEC’s actions. Currently, XRP’s market cap is around $140 billion, but if its price had followed Vallee’s projection of $8 to $10 per token, the market cap would have surpassed $500 billion.

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