The post How Ethereum Burn Became a Powerful Protest Against Brain-Control Manipulation appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News
Can you imagine a situation where every action of yours is completely controlled by an organisation using brain-control weapons? For most of us, the question appears to be like a science fiction storyline. But for Hu Lezhi, a programmeer, it is a depressing nightmare from which he is struggling to escape. Notably, he was not ready to stay silent about the ordeal.
As he wanted the world, especially the cryptocurrency community, to discuss the new crime of brain control, he burned and donated at least $7 million worth of Ethereum. He showed how token burning can be effectively used to register a protest. Let’s discuss this unusual act of protest! Ready?
Programmer’s Courageous Move Against ‘Brain-Control’
The programmer, who identified himself as an “ordinary programmer and entrepreneur,” carried out multiple transactions recently as a protest against a brain-control organisation.
Importantly, at least 603 ETH, worth approximately $1.65, was transferred to a burn address.
A burn address is a special address on the blockchain where cryptocurrency can be sent, but it can never be retrieved or spent.
Hu Lezhi also made numerous donations. Noteworthy, Wikileaks was one of the prominent beneficiaries of the programmer’s donation spree. No fewer than 700 ETH, valued at around $2 Million, were donated by the programmer.
Beyond the excitement of these unusual transactions, what truly grabbed the attention of the crypto community was the controversial messages attached to some of Lezhi’s transactions.
Hu Lezhi’s Brain Control Allegations
One of his messages reveals that Hu Lezhi has been monitored and manipulated by a brain-control organisation since birth. The message also states that after the programmer became aware of this manipulation, the organisation intensified its actions against him. The message even notes that the programmer has reached a stage where he has completely lost his dignity as a human being.
Shocking! Isn’t it?
What I could find on the guy who burnt millions of dollars and donated millions of dollars 👇:
Total burnt: ~$1,650,000 (603 ETH)
Total donated: ~$5,350,000 (1,950 ETH)Messages on-chain:
The bosses of Kuande Investment: Feng Xin and Xu Yuzhi used brain-computer weapons to…
— Loopify 🧙♂️ (@Loopifyyy) February 17, 2025
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Accusations against Chinese Hedge Fund WizardQuant
In another message, Hu Lezhi specifically accused Chinese hedge fund WizardQuant of using brain-control weapons to control its employees.
At this moment, it is unclear whether Lezhi has any direct connection with this Chinese hedge fund organisation.
WizardQuant has not yet responded to the serious allegation that the programmer has levelled against the organisation and its management.
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