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Coinbase Regulatory Framework: 6 Key Priorities for Overhauling US Crypto Regulations

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A day after the CEO of a top centralised crypto exchange, Binance, Richard Teng, acknowledged the improved regulatory scenario for the cryptocurrency industry in the US, the Chief Policy Officer of another prominent centralised cryptocurrency exchange, Coinbase, Faryar Shirzad, has outlined at least six key priorities to improve the crypto regulation framework in the world’s most powerful economy. Interestingly, the suggestion from Coinbase has come at the time when US President Donald Trump has expressed his commitment to turn the country into a Crypto Capital. 

Here are the six key priorities suggested by Coinbase to improve the US regulation environment! Let’s dive in! 

Coinbase’s 6 Key Priorities for US Crypto Regulations 

We all know that the US crypto regulation landscape definitely requires an emergency revamp. We also know that the present US administration is willing to go any extent to support the cryptocurrency sector. However, with a clear understanding about the key priority areas, any effort to improve the regulatory landscape is less likely to show an visible impact immediately. 

It is where the blog post on priority areas by Faryar Shirzad becomes extremely relevant. 

In the post, Shirzad explains at least six priority areas in depth, from defining digital assets to providing clear rules for centralised crypto firms. 

The below given are the six key priority areas the post mentions.

Clearly Defining Digital Assets 

The post emphasises the importance of defining digital assets clearly. It notes that this would help congress to distinguish between securities, commodities and other digital tokens. 

CFTC Should Regulate Crypto Sport Markets 

Indirectly supporting the controversial ‘non-security’ argument projected by top firms in their legal battles against the SEC, the post states that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission is more competent to regulate top crypto like Bitcoin and Ethereum than the Securities and Exchange Commission. 

Clear Rules for Blockchain Fundraising 

Shirzad demands the creation of a clear crypto capital-rising regulation framework. The post emphasises that it is illogical to classify every token as a security. 

Stablecoin Oversight for Financial Stability 

Stablecoin regulations have triggered a lot of discussions lately. Notably, the post by the Coinbase CPO also highlights the relevance of the creation of a clear Stablecoin regulation framework. 

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  • Also Read :
  •   SEC Drops Case Against Crypto Firms – A Win for DeFi & Blockchain Innovation
  •   ,

Protecting DeFi and NFTs from Overregulation 

Importantly, the post clearly explains why it is crucial to protect the DeFi and NFT sectors from the threat of excessive regulation. Shirzad warns that excessive regulation would stifle the innovative nature of these sectors. 

Providing Clear Rules for Centralised Crypto Firms 

Coinbase CPO also calls for clear federal and state-level guidelines for centralised crypto entities, explaining why guidelines are vital for accountability. 

In conclusion, Coinbase is urging lawmakers to act now before the US loses its edge in crypto innovation. The exchange believes that a balanced regulatory framework will protect consumers while allowing the industry to grow. 

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